VARMSEN - systemy izolacji do budowy kominka


10 golden rules for natural environment and fireplaces

1.Burn only natural, dry wood logs or pieces of wood of maximum moisture of up to 22%. This way, the adhering bark will be completely burnt.

2. . It is best to cut fireplace wood between December and February when there is less resin (it will not leak out) and chop it before storage It is necessary to dry the wood, but it may last even several years.

Alternative: Wood drying room – wood subjected to drying in a drying room is immediately ready to burn (use). Moreover, fungi, bacteria and insects are removed from wood in a process of drying.

3. After cutting, fireplace wood must be stored in a ventilated place, protected against rain and snow. Storage from 2 to 3 years is governed (imposed) by a resolution to reach appropriate level of humidity. When drying on air, there is a risk of mould formation and penetration of bacteria and insects into the wood.

4. It is best to store fireplace wood under a roof or in a well-ventilated building.

5.It is forbidden to store fireplace wood in a basement. It will not dry well there, on the contrary – it will go mouldy. Only well dried wood may be stored in a well-ventilated basement. Our fireplace wood, of moisture below 22%, is packed in cardboard boxes and may be stored in a dry basement without hesitation.

6.If you want to be sure that your fireplace wood is dry, use only wood from a drying room of humidity below 22%. In the drying process, the level of humidity is controlled by an electronic metre.

7.. Various types of wood have only slightly different calorific value after the same drying process.

8. However, wood calorific value strongly depends on the moist content in wood. The charts show that the humidity of fresh wood from a forest is at least 65% and its calorific value is merely 1.5kWh/kg, while fireplace wood of humidity of 22% has calorific values of 4kWh/kg, and this means increase of calorific value to 170%. When using dried wood, you not only save your money, but also contribute to appropriate burning, as dry wood with amount of air suitable for burning does not produce smoke. Moreover, you do not upset your neighbours this way. It also prevents accumulation of soot on a glass.

9. Read the furnace instruction manual and burn wood from a drying room. Otherwise, there is a risk of quick accumulation of soot on the fireplace glass or problems with the fireplace.

Wood does not take anything away from the nature

Wood is a storage for sun energy – sunlight, water and carbon dioxide are components of wood. Life of a tree is chemically associated with the sun, which is released during burning.

Wood gives away only the amount of carbon dioxide it previously taken from air. It does not matter whether we burn wood in a furnace or if it dries rot in a forest – released CO2 is always the same. Trees absorb CO2, and wood releases it during combustion – this is a natural exchange of carbon dioxide.

CONCLUSION: wood burning leaves the nature in a balanced state..

Wood is a renewable raw material

Wood is a very important renewable raw material available for the world. As opposed to other comparable raw materials and fuels, wood generates, stores and processes energy.

Using wood decreases greenhouse gases emissions (CO2) and other substances that contaminate air (SO2 and NOX) that destroy forests.

Wood – ecological test: no downsides

Wood is an important part of our lives. Trees live in symbiosis with humans – our life cycles are closely connected.

Trees absorb carbon dioxide inhaled by humans. It participates in creation of lignin, cellulose, bark, roots, branches and leaves. Leaves and needles produce vital oxygen.

Wood is a contamination filter. One growing broad-leaved tree may absorb even 700kg of dust from air.

Wood regulate the climate. Trees store water and release it to the environment through leaves and needles.

Wood is a storage of drinking water. It stores rain and protects ground from contamination.

Wood is safe to transport. Wood will not explode or evaporate. Moreover, it will not contaminate water or soil.

Wood may be safely stored for many years without using technology, maintenance, without any burden on the environment. Wood is practically inexhaustible raw material, renewable fuel, which is a source of energy available only in the time of crisis.

In modern fireplaces, wood burning produces small amounts of ash. Pure ash is a high-quality fertiliser.

Wood visibly and positively contributes to the balance of the natural environment. This is especially important amid dying of woods. Burning of firewood and emissions generated this way have negligible impact on degradation of woodlands..

Forget the crisis – if you want to save money, use wood for your fireplace

Wood is an important renewable energy source. Wood is an inexpensive raw material, which is always available, so there is no reason why you shouldn’t build a fireplace or a tiled stove in your house. Old energy carriers, such as oil and gas, must be imported from far regions of the country. Due to energy “starvation”, quickly developing companies and new industrial regions in China or India often suffer because of lack of raw materials (resources). This will inevitably lead to increase of prices..

You may trust in the price of wood – wood burning is a tradition and the future

Fluctuation of prices of wood in the last 10 years have been compared. According to experts, there are no large wood price fluctuations; the study does not take into account regional differences. The studies show that within 10 last years the price of wood increased by not more than 22%. Further price increases are unlikely.

Wood – fuel for people who are responsible and care for environment

Fuels such as: oil and gas are costly as they must be imported. Economic reserves will be depleted within 50-80 years. Our national wood resources have no time limit and are available. In densely populated countries, such as Germany, the production of wood exceeds the demand every year. Often, weak wood is used to contribute to protection of forest and environment.a.